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Vinci: renews partnership with leading engineering schools

( - Vinci announced on Friday the renewal of its partnership with three leading French engineering schools, namely AgroParisTech, Mines Paris-PSL and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.

The construction and concessions giant specifies that this scientific sponsorship will see it release some six million euros in funding over five years in the field of research.

More specifically, the envelope is to concern trades linked to the energy efficiency of buildings (Mines), biodiversity (AgroParisTech) and sustainable mobility (Ponts).

In particular, the Group explains that it intends to work on reducing the environmental impact of buildings and infrastructures, using artificial intelligence to decarbonize the environment, and mitigating the effects of urban heat islands and the urban water cycle.

Since 2008, Vinci has invested 12 million euros in more than 75 partnered research projects, via a network of 50 researchers and 100 employees.

The work carried out by this research 'lab' has enabled Vinci to come up with the Revilo (urban cool island solution) and Equo Vivo (ecological engineering) technologies, as well as low-carbon freight on freeways, real-time building energy management and airport service issues.

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