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Roche: UBS still on hold after Telavant acquisition

(CercleFinance.com) - The analyst confirms a neutral rating on the stock, with an unchanged target price of 280 Swiss francs (cp: 235 CHF, -1%), following Roche's announcement of the acquisition of Telavant Pharma.

"Roche jumps to the front of the anti-TL1A space with Phase III ready asset (US/Japan rights for >$7bn)", UBS says.

The acquisition of Telavant, a subsidiary of Roivant, includes the rights to RVT-3101, Roivant's new antibody to treat inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

The Swiss healthcare group will obtain the rights to develop, manufacture and market RVT-3101 in the US and Japan for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and potentially several other diseases.

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